On Purpose resources

The following resources are designed to help you get the most out of the On Purpose masterclass. Simply click on the images below to download:

  • An article authored for Green Parent magazine outlining the importance of understanding your values and a guide for identifying them. Tip: You can ignore the 5-steps at the end of the document, and simply follow the main article to find your values (read time, 5mins; time to consider your own values, approx 1hr)

  • An associated list of values to use as a reference tool after completing the above (read time, 5mins)

  • A series of exercises to help you find your element through identifying your strengths and passions (completion time approx 30mins)

There is no expectation or requirement for you to complete these in advance of the masterclass, and the event will still be just as relevant and meaningful without doing so. However, if you wish to accelerate your journey to finding your purpose simply click on the images below to access these resources either before or after the event as you prefer.  Where possible, please read online and complete your answers within Word documents to save unnecessary printing and help protect our planet.

Final joining instructions confirming venue parking and arrival time will be sent the week before the event. If you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch.

Thank you again for booking onto this event and I look forward to meeting you!